Readings for geochemistry seminar – FALL 2002
FRIDAYS 12:30 to ~2 PM, ROOM 327
PIZZA will now be provided!
Participating faculty: Jerry Dickens, Cin-Ty Lee, and Glen Snyder
New reading topics/themes and papers are welcomed, especially from students! Please send suggestions to Cin-Ty Lee at
PURPOSE: To discuss current geochemical research or review classic papers, which have broad applications to geology, geochemistry, oceanography, planetary geology, cosmochemistry, or the environmental sciences.
6 September 2002 – THEME: Tracking Aeolian dust transport to the ocean
Thomas Pettke; Der-Chuen Lee, Alex N. Halliday, David K. Rea
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 6307 (2002) 1-12 (IN PRESS)
13 September 2002 – cancelled because of Rice Alumni party
20 September 2002 – THEME: Tracking Sea Surface Temperatures through time using Sr/Ca ratio of corals; ENSO and Glacial-Interglacial variations
Discussion Leader: Lee
J. Warren Beck, R. Lawrence Edwards, Emi Ito, Frederick W. Taylor, Jacques Recy
Science 257 (1992) 644-647
John F. Marshall, Macolm T. McCulloch
Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 66 (2002) 3263-3280
Alexey V. Fedorov, S. George Philander
Science 288 (2000) 1997-2002
27 September 2002 – THEME: Timing of core formation on the Earth; implications for planetary differentiation
Discussion Leader: Lee
A. G. W. Cameron
Nature 418 (2002) 924-925
Qingzhu Yin, Stein B. Jacobsen, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Janne Blichert-Toft, Phillipe Telouk, Francis Albarede
Nature 418 (2002) 949-952
Klein, Munker, Mezger, Palme
Nature 418 (2002) 952-955
4 October 2002 – THEME: Gas systematics of island arc systems: implications for global cycling
Discussion Leader: Dr. Glen Snyder
Fischer, Hilton, Zimmer, Shaw, Sharp, Walker
Science 297 (2002) 1154-1157
Sano, Takahata, Nishio, Fischer, Williams
Chemical Geology 171 (2001) 263-271
Sano and Marty
Chemical Geology 119 (1995) 265-274
11-12 October 2002 – Martian Meteorite Workshop at NASA’s Lunar and Planetary Institute
18 October 2002 – Theme: Nucleosynthesis and origin of solar system
Discussion Leader: Lee
Yin, Jacobsen, Yamashita; Nature 415 (2002):881-883.
25 October 2002 – Theme: Iodine-129 as a tracer of fluid migration in the environment
Discussion Leadeer: Snyder
Bottomly, Renaud, Kotzer, Clark; Geology 30 (2002):587-590.
Muramatsu, Fen, Yoshida; Earth and Planetary Science Letters 192 (2001): 583-593.
Additional Material (Optional)
Oktay, Santshi, Moran, Sharma; Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 64 (2000): 989-995.
1 November 2002 – Theme: Mantle geodynamics and geochemistry
Discussion Leaders: Katie Cooper and Lee
Tackley, Science 288 (2000):2002-2007
- Mantle Geochemistry: the message from oceanic volcanism (PLEASE OBTAIN A COPY OUTSIDE RM 324)
Hoffmann, Nature 385 (1997):219-385.
8 November 2002 – THEME: Dissolution and crystal growth kinetics on the nano-scale
Discussion Leader: Mikala Beig
Higgins, Jordan, Eggleston, 2002, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 66, p. 32013-3210
15 November 2002 – THEME: Origin of immiscibility in binary silicate, borate and germanate melts with applications to geological systems.
Discussion Leader: Dr. Pierre Hudon (NASA Johnson Space Center)
Pierre Hudon *, Don R. Baker, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 303 (2002) 299–345
Pierre Hudon and Don R Baker, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 303 (2002) 354–371
22 November 2002 – NeoProterozoic Snowball Earth
Discussion Leader: Grace Castellini
Hoffman and Schrag, 2002, Terra Nova 14 (129-155)
"Late Proterozoic low-latitude global glaciation: the snow-ball earth" from The Proterozic Biosphere (ed. J.W. Schopf and C. Klein), Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pages 51-52 (OBTAIN COPY FROM GRACE CASTELLINI)